What can North Redford Towing tow?
Anything, anywhere, anytime.
Cars, vans, light – mid-duty trucks, motor homes, motorcycles, boats, tractors, hot rods, custom cars, off-road equipment, machinery, sheds, toolboxes, the kitchen sink and its counter top!
If it is beyond our capability, we will locate and contact a reputable company who can.
Does North Redford Towing & Transport provide other services besides towing?
We provide road service which includes, but is not limited to, lockouts, fuel delivery, flat tire change and jump starts. We also provide specialty towing, heavy, medium and light duty towing. North Redford Towing & Transport also provides transport and commercial shipping services. Please see our Transport Tab for more information!
Do you have a secure lot?
Yes. Our lot is lighted, fenced, and monitored 24-7.
What are your office hours?
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday Offices are Closed
Sunday Offices are Closed
When is the next auction scheduled?
Always check our Auction Tab for the most update to information on Current or up coming Auctions and a list of vehicles!
Why does it cost that much to tow a car?
Towing rates are based on the cost of doing business with key ingredient being truck cost. Trucks costs are $95,000.00 or more. In addition, the cost of appropriate tools and equipment must be considered. The cost to insure a high risk business is large and continues to rise year after year. The liability insurance cost is in addition to the property damage insurance on the trucks, the vehicles in transport, and the workers’ compensation insurance on the drivers themselves.
There are wages for the drivers and dispatchers. This business operates 24 hours a day and so the workforce cost never stops.
There are also overhead costs such as communication, fuel, general maintenance and unforeseen major repairs. Add electric, phone, etc….you get the idea.
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